Budapest with kids, Hungary
City Break Travel Ideas

Exploring the Beauty of European Cities

Budapest with kids, Hungary

The modern world can be characterised as hectic, workaholic, with cities that never sleep. We are also constantly on the move. But there are times when you get fed up with all that routine, and you just have to break free from the vicious circle of work-home-work and do something great and exciting.  The best way to escape this boredom is to pack your luggage and set off on a journey. Travelling is the best therapy ever created: it inspires, opens new horizons, leaves unforgettable memories, and new good friends. So, I did it. Packed a bag, bought tickets and broke the spell of my everyday routine.

My Last Trip

Kiev (Ukraine) – Budapest (Hungary) – Milan (Italy) – Monaco (Principality of Monaco) – Barcelona (Spain) – Vienna (Austria) – Prague (Czech Republic) – Lvov (Ukraine) – Kiev (Ukraine)

Distance: 3500 miles

Trip Duration: 12 days

Costs: 600 euros for two people (petrol, taxi, meals, accommodation, museums, etc.)

Kiev – Budapest

The cost of fuel: 200 USD + 50 USD taxi for my friend (he had to meet me later during the trip, so he used services of

It took me about 8 hours to get to the Ukrainian-Hungarian border, then 2 more hours to cross it, as there was quite a queue. I would not advise travelling on a Thursday. It is better to set of on your journey during the weekend, when there will be a smaller number of people travelling and you can cross the border more quickly.

One more thing to remember: do not forget about your travel insurance for the duration of the trip.

Once we made it through customs, we were driving to Budapest.

Dinner in Budapest

So, here we were at our first destination – enigmatic Budapest. We easily got to the city centre, where you can find numerous Information Centres that are very helpful. You can get a map and different brochures about city attractions, culture and traditions, popular cafes and restaurants, and a lot more.

After quite a long trip we were hungry and tired, so we went to our apartment on Lázár St. We quickly took a shower and went out. The location of the flat was just perfect. Located in the heart of the Budapest, it was only 50 metres away from St. Stephen’s Basilica. We were amazed by the beauty of the basilica: it is an impressive building with great architecture. We took several photos and went along the street in order to find a good café to have something to eat. On our way we came across a nice little restaurant, where we have tried a traditional Hungarian meal – goulash. The dish was great and the prices were quite reasonable.

Our order: goulash + salad + red wine was around 1500 HUF per each person. Sounds good doesn’t it?

Later, after lunch, we went for a walk around the city to all the places on our list. My friend and I went across the Chain Bridge and spent some time admiring the beauty and impressiveness of the Hungarian Parliament. As well as this we visited the museum of Fine Arts and just strolled around the city, enjoying ourselves.

Next time we will talk about Milan and Monaco, what to do there, where to go and what to eat. I will share a piece of advice on accommodation and saving money while travelling. Do not let boredom into your life, stand up and explore the world around you.

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